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(Documentary Film)

Dominga is a Chilean musician best known as the founder of the rock band Follakzoid. Currently based in Mexico City and just about to headline European tour this fall, Dominga doesn’t believe in creative formats. “When you get rid of categories, the prejudice from the audience disappears” she says. “It creates a channel that allows music to happen in a more real, more spontaneous way, from soul to soul. And through this channel, people of different backgrounds merge.”


When it comes to her identity, Dominga follows the same rules. She prefers to live without having to use any aspects of her life to define herself. Above the fact that she’s a woman, that she’s trans, that she’s lived here and there, that she studied film, that she performed in more than 60 countries over the past year, comes the fact that she’s a human.


In this documentary, Dominga describes the process of unlearning previously established narratives and how music has become a reflection of her inner exploration. Something that has always been a central focus in her creative pursuit has also become an essential part of her personal life.

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